terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2020

Dia V!!! Enquanto houver vida teremos Esperança!

Hoje dia 08/12/20 é um dia histórico pois foi dada a primeira vacina no Reino Unido e assim dar o primeiro passo para rapidamente quanto possível eliminarmos esta pandemia das nossas vidas!

Em Portugal será dia 27/12/2020. Enquanto houver vida teremos Esperança!

The safety of the Covid-19 vaccine should be considered from the time of its production to its final receptor. "Even if the vaccine is free for people, they are desperate and would like to be at the top of the queue," warns ISIO, International Security Industry Organization, in a document consulted by Security Magazine.

As he points out, "despite the assurances given by governments, there will be many who fear that the vaccine will not reach them until many months after the first deliveries." In this sense, he says, "if there is any delay in deliveries, the situation will worsen." It also points out that "people who are at the end of the list of recipients or living in rural areas may fear that the length of time to receive the vaccine will be too long."

With this situation, ISIO stresses that people will "beg" or commit thefts "to satisfy the need to obtain the vaccine for family and friends." There are also people who, due to their weakened situation, can "react more desperately".

"Opportunistic crime will be rampant by transnational and local organized crime, as well as the crime of gangs and lone predators, who will try to obtain the vaccine at all costs," he said.

For manufacturers, the biggest problems are in the storage and transport of vaccines using temperature control. "Any company that produces or has cold storage facilities, in addition to others that can store or transport, the so-called cold logistics, would be an easy target," he says.

ISIO also points out that hospitals, clinics and pharmacies would also be an easy target.

ISIO is harsh in the criticisms pointed out, highlighting the issue of nepotism – originated by anyone who has proximity to the vaccine – and corruption – with people offering good amounts to access the vaccine.

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